Make people remember you

The average person passes by approx. 1000 people each day. It’s impossible to remember every face. We get introduced to some folks and forget them immediately, others stick in our heads for a long time. What is it that makes us remember some people more than others?

Having people remember who you are is one of the most important aspects in business and in life.

It doesn’t mean that you will have a great relationship or do amazing business with everyone you meet but being memorized might have its advantages but more on that later.

Not everyone is the same. Some people are more dominant and louder than others. This doesn’t mean that you can’t be remembered if you’re shy and quiet.

What are the most common mistakes?

I believe there are two main things a lot of people are doing wrong. The first thing is some are not trying at all and others are trying way too hard.

Not trying at all is usually a lack of confidence. If you’re afraid to do something wrong it will automatically have an impact on your body posture and will change the sound of your voice. At the end of the day you won’t bring up any emotions in the other person.

"People don't always remember what you say or even what you do, but they always remember how you make them feel".

Maya Angelou

The second reason why everyone forgets or wants to forget you is when you’re trying too hard. Giving too much effort can sometimes backfire. If you're trying too hard there is no way you can be yourself. Trust me, everyone can tell if you’re not being authentic.

If you want to be remembered the key is a fine balance between bringing up emotions and not overdoing it.

What to do

Here’s how I recommend doing it:

  1. Be authentic

  2. Impress with knowledge

  3. Trigger emotions

  4. Follow up

  5. Say their name

How to execute

Be authentic:
Not everyone will like you if you’re being yourself, that’s okay. You are who you are and it’s normal that you’re not bonding with everyone the same way.

It’s not necessary to be liked by everybody but being respected is.
You won’t be able to gain someone’s respect if they think you are faking it.

  • Speak up your mind. Not everyone has to agree with you and remember if you’re selling to everyone then you’re selling to no one.

  • If someone has a different opinion don’t start arguing. The other person will probably remember you but definitely not in a good way.

Impress with knowledge:
If you have the chance to prepare before meeting someone, make sure to do that. There is nothing more impressive to other people than knowing what you’re talking about.

Finding out some things about the other party will not only help you to come across as interested, it will automatically be a great way to start a conversation.

Trigger emotions:
Have you ever met someone who made you laugh immediately? I bet you still remember them.
It’s easier for humans to remember emotions than names or titles. That’s the reason you associate a certain perfume with someone close to you. It triggers the memory and brings up the emotions that you felt when meeting them.

You don’t have to be a clown and make jokes all the time but being relaxed and making a joke will definitely help.
Everyone loves to receive a compliment, so find something you like about the other person and compliment them. The way you’ll make them feel is something they will connect to your name and face for a long time.

Follow up:
If you did everything right, this last step would just be the cherry on top of the cake. This doesn’t mean that it should be neglected.
After a couple of days try to get in touch again. Send an email or even better make a phone call and tell them that it was really nice meeting them and that you enjoyed the conversation. You don’t have to say anything else. Don’t try to sell them anything. This is the best way to build a relationship.
You can’t expect to meet someone and gain their trust immediately. Relationships do take time.
Tell them that you will be in touch. If you’re lucky they will call you themselves. Make sure to keep some sort of contact and when you feel the time is right, start try working together.

Say their name:
When someone introduces themselves to you, better don’t forget their names.
Since our goal is to be remembered, it’s a good idea to also make the other person feel important. There is no easier way to make someone feel significant than calling them by their name once or twice.

That’s how you set yourself apart from others

If you want to be successful in the business world and build long lasting relationships it’s important to be remembered.

Try and implement those tips in the future. There is no perfect method and sometimes you’ll not get along with someone. That is perfectly fine.

Even if you don’t do business together from the beginning, I can guarantee that you will always be their first choice once an opportunity arises.

Thank you for reading.

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